3.This article is about the world leaders who are showing changed attitude about environmental problem. Environmental problems, especially climate change is getting recogition worldwide, even in the developed countries.Although many leaders are still having one foot in the regime where economic growth is everyting, I think it is encouriging advance of political atomosphere. However, I think the term "green" should be considered carefully. President Lee, who was mentioned in the green leaders in this article, is now blamed as ecosystem destroyer by suggesting "Big Canal" project. The Chungkye-stream recovery project which brought him national fame as environmentalist was focus mainly on people's pleasure as ecological point of view.It can be the example of HEP nomatter what were the terms they used. But as this article mentioned public opinion as the main cause of green leader, there is hope as long as public awareness of environment increases. ___________________
The New Green Leaders The eco-movement is turning governance upside down. Who's winning this brand-new game?
Barrett Sheridan and George Wehrfritz NEWSWEEK Updated: 10:50 AM ET Apr 26, 2008 With less than a year left in office, President George W. Bush will probably never win the Greenpeace seal of approval. He is, after all, the leader who, in one of his first official acts back in 2001, rejected the Kyoto Protocol, keeping the United States from participating in the effort to curb carbon emissions. He also told a skeptical Congress that opening Alaska's Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to oil drilling was essential to national security. Lately, however, Bush is turning … well, if not green, then at least lime or chartreuse. In mid-April he announced that the United States would be willing to commit to binding emissions targets. He has also signed into law the first increase in auto-efficiency requirements in three decades and embraced alternative fuels. What is behind Bush's late-term epiphany about the environment?
The answer: public opinion. The state of the environment has begun to loom large in the minds of Americans. In 2007, the Pew Global Attitudes Project found that 37 percent of Americans named environmental problems as a top global threat, a 61 percent increase from just five years earlier. Sensing this groundswell of environmentalism, Bush knows that he risks being labeled in history books as the last major leader to ignore the environmental perils facing the world. The two Democratic candidates for Bush's job, Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, as well as the presumptive Republican nominee, John McCain, have all come out in favor of ambitious plans to roll back climate change, including a cap-and-trade program to cut carbon emissions.
The green tilt can be felt not only in the United States. The Pew survey included 46 other nations, and in all but three the environment had swelled in importance between 2002 and 2007. (The laggards were Jordan, Lebanon and the Ivory Coast.) Between 45 and 66 percent of Western Europeans named environmental issues as a top threat last year, as did 70 percent of Chinese. People in India, Brazil and other large developing nations also felt strongly. Chalk it up to the blizzard of doomsday predictions from scientists or Al Gore's PR blitz—either way, it equates to a rising global demand for environmentally sound leaders, and a public that will give them unprecedented support for tackling the thorny problems facing the planet. It should also give fresh impetus to climate talks now underway for a post-Kyoto agreement, which this time around is likely to include China and India.
Leaders that truly want to prove their green worth would do well to look north. In Iceland, a country better known for cod than clean technology, an amazing 80 percent of energy comes from renewable sources like hydroelectric and geothermal power plants. That achievement has been decades in the making—Iceland has long tapped its rivers and volcanoes for electricity. Prime Minister Geir H. Haarde now wants to export his country's success in alternative energy. With government backing, Icelandic companies are taking their expertise in renewables to places as diverse as Djibouti, China and southern California. Although Iceland, with its geothermal reserves and tiny population, may be in a unique position, other heads of state might find an idea or two by looking to Reykjavik.
Still, getting citizens to sacrifice income for the environment's sake will be easier in Stockholm than in Tokyo and London. Although Western Europe and Japan have been far ahead of the rest of the world on the environment, old-fashioned politics still temper the greenest rhetoric. Many of the measures environmentalists are calling for and politicians give lip service to are meeting stiff resistance from lobbyists and entrenched bureaucrats. Whereas Britain's Tony Blair made the environment his calling card, and Angela Merkel has initiated climate-change measures in Germany and the European Union, both Merkel and Blair's successor, Gordon Brown, are struggling to implement their green agendas. Brown has taken flak for his support of coal-fired plants and a new runway at Heathrow airport. Merkel has been reluctant to confront Germany's coal, steel and cement industries over carbon emissions. Nicolas Sarkozy has tried to make himself out to be France's green president, but he's lately run into trouble with environmentalists over genetically modified foods. And Japan's Yasuo Fukuda has made the environment a high priority—it will be on the agenda of the G8 summit in July, which Japan is hosting—though he's been in office too short a time to accomplish much.
The appetite for change is more evident elsewhere, especially in Asia. Australia's recent presidential election highlights the shift in political climate. The vanquished John Howard—the country's second longest-serving prime minister—was famously friendly to industry, defended his country's domestic coal businesses and denounced carbon trading as a "knee-jerk reaction" to global warming. His rival, Labor Party candidate Kevin Rudd, was better tuned to the Zeitgeist: after stumping on the pledge to ratify the Kyoto Protocol, he won by a margin so large the media dubbed it a "Ruddslide."
South Korea's new president, Lee Myung-bak, is also widely expected to make the environment a top concern of his administration. Lee was born into poverty, rose to the top of Hyundai, the country's largest conglomerate, and presided over Korea's headlong rush to industrialize, a time in which it quickly became a world leader in steel, petrochemicals and other heavy industry. Yet as a politician, it was Lee's efforts to green Seoul during his stint as mayor from 2002 to 2006 that brought him to national prominence. (His signature achievement: a campaign to clean a fetid waterway that had been buried beneath a concrete highway system in the 1970s.) Koreans share these priorities: a recent poll reported that 53 percent think environmental protection is more important than development.
Many Asian leaders, like Lee, still have one foot in the old world where economic growth was the measure of everything. That's especially true in China. By any measure, China's ecosystems are severely stressed, but President Hu Jintao has given signs that he understands how degraded China's environment has become, and that further damage could hobble the economy and trigger social unrest. He has unveiled ambitious policies to promote energy efficiency, created a "circular economy" based on sustainability and recycling, and begun to enact a climate-change policy "that is ahead of many other countries," argues Christine Loh, founder of the influential Hong Kong think tank Civic Exchange.
In rapidly industrializing nations like China, it is local pollution that drives environmentalism, but savvy leaders will need to harness that sentiment to make progress on the No. 1 international environmental issue: climate change. "Climate change is by far the biggest environmental issue of our time, and indeed of any time," says John Holdren, the director of the Science, Technology & Public Policy program at Harvard's Kennedy School. In the past, developing countries dragged their feet on this issue, arguing—not unreasonably—that climate change is a legacy of the West's industrialization, and that they must focus on economic development above all else. But at the Bali climate talks last year, "that really substantially turned around," Holdren says, largely because the effects of climate change are already being felt in the developing world in the form of droughts, storms and melting glaciers. "They're now saying, 'We understand that climate change is already harming us, and that a solution will have to include us'."
Rolling back climate change is a challenge that will test the resolve of today's green heads of state, who are less hard-core environmentalists than realists responding to new political truths. Rudd, for instance, supports logging in his country's old-growth forests—hardly a Greenpeace action item. China's leaders plan to install 30 gigawatts of wind power by 2020, but in 2006 added 90 gigawatts more of new coal-fired plants. That kind of dichotomy is likely to be a hallmark of the Age of Green. Just ask George Bush.
This is article, writer has described about ongoing program about Bagmati Festival. This Bagmati Festival is organized annually in Nepal. The main purpose of the festival is to aware people to protect the Bagmati River from pollution and natural disaster. Nepal government itself and private communities have initiated to organize this program. This is official article so, this article is looks like formal statement than the professional writing.
As I am writing my term-paper on Bagmati River so I was searching some information about the subject matter. I got all other material in vernacular language. Thus I didn't have much option to select article. So I choose this article for the blog post.
South South Exchange Program II Heng Thona (KEEP) Efforts to Preserve Holy Bagmati River by: Thona Heng For the past five consecutive years, Nepal Tourism Board has been promoting the annual Bagmati River Festival. Now on its 5th year on the 20th of August 2005, the annual festival is being organized by the Nepal River Conservation Trust (NRCT) and Sustainable Tourism Network (STN) in association with various organizations, institutions and companies. The launching of this year’s Festival was last 5th June (World Environment Day) 2005.
Nepal River Conservation Trust (NRCT) invited everyone’s support for the 5th Bagmati River Festival, a project that will draw public attention to the critically degraded condition of the Bagmati River, and provide a platform for action. This festival will create a mechanism for individuals and organizations to demonstrate their commitment to save the Bagmati River as well as other Himalayan Rivers. We believe that the concept of organizing the Bagmati River Festival, a brainchild of NRCT’s Founder President Mr. Megh Ale, has succeeded in meeting its objectives through the festivals organized yearly as follows:
• To raise awareness about the degraded condition of the Bagmati River amongst the people of Kathmandu • To strengthen and reinforce the participation of people interested in and actively undertaking initiatives for the development of the River • To facilitate the involvement of the broader community of Kathmandu who have not, as yet, been provided the opportunity to contribute to solutions
To achieve all these objectives, NRCT has once again organized a festival to provide a platform for all friends of the Bagmati, government and non-government organizations, social organizations,religious groups, pilgrims, children - all those who are concerned about the condition of the Bagmati - to work together to save this river. NRCT, the organizer of the event, is a non-government organization that aims to conserve the natural and cultural heritage of the rivers of Nepal through various conservation, awareness, and community development activities.
It believes the balance between the preservation and the commercial use of river ecosystems requires awareness and true understanding of this fragile environment.KEEP, also one of the organizers of this event, is along with its mission to minimize the negative impacts of tourism on the environment and culture of Nepal whilst maximizing its benefits for the Nepalese through education, research, practical conservation and welfare.
The main event of the 5th Bagmati River Festival will be held on the banks of the Bagmati at Shankhamul on 1st Saturday of Bhadra (i.e. 4th Bhadra 2062 / 20th August 2005). The festival is seen as a focal point for the expression of the considerable emotion that is invested in the Bagmati River by the people of Kathmandu. It is envisaged that, as per last year, the various groups and individuals in Kathmandu who are concerned about the condition of the Bagmati river will come on board with the festival proponent and make it their festival.
3. Every Thursday, i gather palstics and vinyls to throw away for recycling. When i think about this, this article is not surprising to me because i could gather many plastics and vinyls with 4 big bags once a week. And i ask to myself why i need that much of wrapping materials for living. This article is saying that heightened competition among manufacturer distributors and ostentatious spending culture is reasons for secondary packing. However i want to say that i have no right to choose products without secondary wrapping materials in many cases.
Korea is a drowning in a sea of excess packaging, due to a retail habit of bundling together individual products in layers of secondary wrapping. According to government and industry data, some 5,000 tons of secondary wrapping materials were produced last year for nine kinds of products, including shampoos, detergents, hygiene products, instant noodles and tuna cans. The government estimates the total amount, including those evading statistics, at over 10,000 tons. This is more than one percent of the 700,000 tons of plastic and vinyl garbage dumped nationwide. And while the amount of plastic and vinyl waste has barely increased over the past ten years, secondary packaging waste is rising fast, by 10 percent per year.
Opening three 20-liter garbage bags that just arrived at a Seocho district waste disposal site in Seoul reveals the bags filled with plastic and vinyl wrapping that should have been disposed separately.
Secondary packing is of little use. It's seen when retailers sell bundled items; for example, a bundle of hair shampoo, conditioner and treatment. The bottles containing the products serve as the first stage of packing, but the secondary wrapping just to bundle the products together goes straight to the waste bin after they're sold. Producing and recycling these secondary wrapping materials cost some W100 billion (US$1=W1,048) last year alone. Secondary packing is unique to Korea. International market researcher ACNielsen says 71 percent of shampoo products are sold in bundles in Korea, rising to 85.7 percent at large outlet chains such as E-Mart, Homeplus and Lotte Mart. In Japan the figure is 12.2 percent and in the U.S. and EU (UK, Germany, France, Italy, Spain) it's only 4 percent. Cindy Shin, managing director at ACNielsen, blames heightened competition among manufacturer-distributors in Korea and an ostentatious spending culture.
The government is worried that the needless packaging is degrading the environment and regards it as the biggest obstacle to reducing waste in general. An Environment Ministry official says the plastic and vinyl packing materials are a waste of resources and a danger to the environment.
A very down to earth* kind of guy. I'm an environmental sociologist interested in establishing material and organizational sustainability worldwide. I'm always looking for interesting materials/technologies, inspiring ideas, or institutional examples of sustainability to inspire others to recognize their choices now. To be fatalistic about an unsustainable world is a sign of a captive mind, given all our options.
*(If "earth" is defined in a planetary sense, concerning comparative historical knowledge and interest in the past 10,000 years or so anywhere...) See both blogs.
1.Yoonjung Kim
2.Green public makes green politician.
3.This article is about the world leaders who are showing changed attitude about environmental problem. Environmental problems, especially climate change is getting recogition worldwide, even in the developed countries.Although many leaders are still having one foot in the regime where economic growth is everyting, I think it is encouriging advance of political atomosphere. However, I think the term "green" should be considered carefully. President Lee, who was mentioned in the green leaders in this article, is now blamed as ecosystem destroyer by suggesting "Big Canal" project. The Chungkye-stream recovery project which brought him national fame as environmentalist was focus mainly on people's pleasure as ecological point of view.It can be the example of HEP nomatter what were the terms they used. But as this article mentioned public opinion as the main cause of green leader, there is hope as long as public awareness of environment increases.
The New Green Leaders
The eco-movement is turning governance upside down. Who's winning this brand-new game?
Barrett Sheridan and George Wehrfritz
Updated: 10:50 AM ET Apr 26, 2008
With less than a year left in office, President George W. Bush will probably never win the Greenpeace seal of approval. He is, after all, the leader who, in one of his first official acts back in 2001, rejected the Kyoto Protocol, keeping the United States from participating in the effort to curb carbon emissions. He also told a skeptical Congress that opening Alaska's Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to oil drilling was essential to national security. Lately, however, Bush is turning … well, if not green, then at least lime or chartreuse. In mid-April he announced that the United States would be willing to commit to binding emissions targets. He has also signed into law the first increase in auto-efficiency requirements in three decades and embraced alternative fuels. What is behind Bush's late-term epiphany about the environment?
The answer: public opinion. The state of the environment has begun to loom large in the minds of Americans. In 2007, the Pew Global Attitudes Project found that 37 percent of Americans named environmental problems as a top global threat, a 61 percent increase from just five years earlier. Sensing this groundswell of environmentalism, Bush knows that he risks being labeled in history books as the last major leader to ignore the environmental perils facing the world. The two Democratic candidates for Bush's job, Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, as well as the presumptive Republican nominee, John McCain, have all come out in favor of ambitious plans to roll back climate change, including a cap-and-trade program to cut carbon emissions.
The green tilt can be felt not only in the United States. The Pew survey included 46 other nations, and in all but three the environment had swelled in importance between 2002 and 2007. (The laggards were Jordan, Lebanon and the Ivory Coast.) Between 45 and 66 percent of Western Europeans named environmental issues as a top threat last year, as did 70 percent of Chinese. People in India, Brazil and other large developing nations also felt strongly. Chalk it up to the blizzard of doomsday predictions from scientists or Al Gore's PR blitz—either way, it equates to a rising global demand for environmentally sound leaders, and a public that will give them unprecedented support for tackling the thorny problems facing the planet. It should also give fresh impetus to climate talks now underway for a post-Kyoto agreement, which this time around is likely to include China and India.
Leaders that truly want to prove their green worth would do well to look north. In Iceland, a country better known for cod than clean technology, an amazing 80 percent of energy comes from renewable sources like hydroelectric and geothermal power plants. That achievement has been decades in the making—Iceland has long tapped its rivers and volcanoes for electricity. Prime Minister Geir H. Haarde now wants to export his country's success in alternative energy. With government backing, Icelandic companies are taking their expertise in renewables to places as diverse as Djibouti, China and southern California. Although Iceland, with its geothermal reserves and tiny population, may be in a unique position, other heads of state might find an idea or two by looking to Reykjavik.
Still, getting citizens to sacrifice income for the environment's sake will be easier in Stockholm than in Tokyo and London. Although Western Europe and Japan have been far ahead of the rest of the world on the environment, old-fashioned politics still temper the greenest rhetoric. Many of the measures environmentalists are calling for and politicians give lip service to are meeting stiff resistance from lobbyists and entrenched bureaucrats. Whereas Britain's Tony Blair made the environment his calling card, and Angela Merkel has initiated climate-change measures in Germany and the European Union, both Merkel and Blair's successor, Gordon Brown, are struggling to implement their green agendas. Brown has taken flak for his support of coal-fired plants and a new runway at Heathrow airport. Merkel has been reluctant to confront Germany's coal, steel and cement industries over carbon emissions. Nicolas Sarkozy has tried to make himself out to be France's green president, but he's lately run into trouble with environmentalists over genetically modified foods. And Japan's Yasuo Fukuda has made the environment a high priority—it will be on the agenda of the G8 summit in July, which Japan is hosting—though he's been in office too short a time to accomplish much.
The appetite for change is more evident elsewhere, especially in Asia. Australia's recent presidential election highlights the shift in political climate. The vanquished John Howard—the country's second longest-serving prime minister—was famously friendly to industry, defended his country's domestic coal businesses and denounced carbon trading as a "knee-jerk reaction" to global warming. His rival, Labor Party candidate Kevin Rudd, was better tuned to the Zeitgeist: after stumping on the pledge to ratify the Kyoto Protocol, he won by a margin so large the media dubbed it a "Ruddslide."
South Korea's new president, Lee Myung-bak, is also widely expected to make the environment a top concern of his administration. Lee was born into poverty, rose to the top of Hyundai, the country's largest conglomerate, and presided over Korea's headlong rush to industrialize, a time in which it quickly became a world leader in steel, petrochemicals and other heavy industry. Yet as a politician, it was Lee's efforts to green Seoul during his stint as mayor from 2002 to 2006 that brought him to national prominence. (His signature achievement: a campaign to clean a fetid waterway that had been buried beneath a concrete highway system in the 1970s.) Koreans share these priorities: a recent poll reported that 53 percent think environmental protection is more important than development.
Many Asian leaders, like Lee, still have one foot in the old world where economic growth was the measure of everything. That's especially true in China. By any measure, China's ecosystems are severely stressed, but President Hu Jintao has given signs that he understands how degraded China's environment has become, and that further damage could hobble the economy and trigger social unrest. He has unveiled ambitious policies to promote energy efficiency, created a "circular economy" based on sustainability and recycling, and begun to enact a climate-change policy "that is ahead of many other countries," argues Christine Loh, founder of the influential Hong Kong think tank Civic Exchange.
In rapidly industrializing nations like China, it is local pollution that drives environmentalism, but savvy leaders will need to harness that sentiment to make progress on the No. 1 international environmental issue: climate change. "Climate change is by far the biggest environmental issue of our time, and indeed of any time," says John Holdren, the director of the Science, Technology & Public Policy program at Harvard's Kennedy School. In the past, developing countries dragged their feet on this issue, arguing—not unreasonably—that climate change is a legacy of the West's industrialization, and that they must focus on economic development above all else. But at the Bali climate talks last year, "that really substantially turned around," Holdren says, largely because the effects of climate change are already being felt in the developing world in the form of droughts, storms and melting glaciers. "They're now saying, 'We understand that climate change is already harming us, and that a solution will have to include us'."
Rolling back climate change is a challenge that will test the resolve of today's green heads of state, who are less hard-core environmentalists than realists responding to new political truths. Rudd, for instance, supports logging in his country's old-growth forests—hardly a Greenpeace action item. China's leaders plan to install 30 gigawatts of wind power by 2020, but in 2006 added 90 gigawatts more of new coal-fired plants. That kind of dichotomy is likely to be a hallmark of the Age of Green. Just ask George Bush.
URL: http://www.newsweek.com/id/134262
1. Madhabi Bhatta
2. Effort to Preserve Holy Bagmati River
This is article, writer has described about ongoing program about Bagmati Festival. This Bagmati Festival is organized annually in Nepal. The main purpose of the festival is to aware people to protect the Bagmati River from pollution and natural disaster. Nepal government itself and private communities have initiated to organize this program. This is official article so, this article is looks like formal statement than the professional writing.
As I am writing my term-paper on Bagmati River so I was searching some information about the subject matter. I got all other material in vernacular language. Thus I didn't have much option to select article. So I choose this article for the blog post.
South South Exchange Program II
Heng Thona (KEEP)
Efforts to Preserve Holy Bagmati River
by: Thona Heng
For the past five consecutive years, Nepal Tourism Board has been promoting the annual Bagmati River Festival. Now on its 5th year on the 20th of August 2005, the annual festival is being organized by the Nepal River Conservation Trust (NRCT) and Sustainable Tourism Network (STN) in association with various organizations, institutions and companies. The launching of this year’s Festival was last 5th June (World Environment Day) 2005.
Nepal River Conservation Trust (NRCT) invited everyone’s support for the 5th Bagmati River Festival, a project that will draw public attention to the critically degraded condition of the Bagmati River, and provide a platform for action. This festival will create a mechanism for individuals and organizations to demonstrate their commitment to save the Bagmati River as well as other Himalayan Rivers. We believe that the concept of organizing the Bagmati River Festival, a brainchild of NRCT’s Founder President Mr. Megh Ale, has succeeded in meeting its objectives through the festivals organized yearly as follows:
• To raise awareness about the degraded condition of the Bagmati River amongst the people
of Kathmandu
• To strengthen and reinforce the participation of people interested in and actively
undertaking initiatives for the development of the River
• To facilitate the involvement of the broader community of Kathmandu who have not, as
yet, been provided the opportunity to contribute to solutions
To achieve all these objectives, NRCT has once again organized a festival to provide a platform for all friends of the Bagmati, government and non-government organizations, social organizations,religious groups, pilgrims, children - all those who are concerned about the condition of the Bagmati - to work together to save this river. NRCT, the organizer of the event, is a non-government organization that aims to conserve the natural and cultural heritage of the rivers of Nepal through various conservation, awareness, and community development activities.
It believes the balance between the preservation and the commercial use of river ecosystems requires awareness and true understanding of this fragile environment.KEEP, also one of the organizers of this event, is along with its mission to minimize the negative impacts of tourism on the environment and culture of Nepal whilst maximizing its benefits for the Nepalese through education, research, practical conservation and welfare.
The main event of the 5th Bagmati River Festival will be held on the banks of the Bagmati at
Shankhamul on 1st Saturday of Bhadra (i.e. 4th Bhadra 2062 / 20th August 2005). The festival is seen as a focal point for the expression of the considerable emotion that is invested in the Bagmati River by the people of Kathmandu. It is envisaged that, as per last year, the various groups and individuals in Kathmandu who are concerned about the condition of the Bagmati river
will come on board with the festival proponent and make it their festival.
1. se kyoung
2.Korea's Secondary Packing Habit Threatens Environment
3. Every Thursday, i gather palstics and vinyls to throw away for recycling. When i think about this, this article is not surprising to me because i could gather many plastics and vinyls with 4 big bags once a week. And i ask to myself why i need that much of wrapping materials for living. This article is saying that heightened competition among manufacturer distributors and ostentatious spending culture is reasons for secondary packing.
However i want to say that i have no right to choose products without secondary wrapping materials in many cases.
Korea is a drowning in a sea of excess packaging, due to a retail habit of bundling together individual products in layers of secondary wrapping. According to government and industry data, some 5,000 tons of secondary wrapping materials were produced last year for nine kinds of products, including shampoos, detergents, hygiene products, instant noodles and tuna cans. The government estimates the total amount, including those evading statistics, at over 10,000 tons. This is more than one percent of the 700,000 tons of plastic and vinyl garbage dumped nationwide. And while the amount of plastic and vinyl waste has barely increased over the past ten years, secondary packaging waste is rising fast, by 10 percent per year.
Opening three 20-liter garbage bags that just arrived at a Seocho district waste disposal site in Seoul reveals the bags filled with plastic and vinyl wrapping that should have been disposed separately.
Secondary packing is of little use. It's seen when retailers sell bundled items; for example, a bundle of hair shampoo, conditioner and treatment. The bottles containing the products serve as the first stage of packing, but the secondary wrapping just to bundle the products together goes straight to the waste bin after they're sold. Producing and recycling these secondary wrapping materials cost some W100 billion (US$1=W1,048) last year alone.
Secondary packing is unique to Korea. International market researcher ACNielsen says 71 percent of shampoo products are sold in bundles in Korea, rising to 85.7 percent at large outlet chains such as E-Mart, Homeplus and Lotte Mart. In Japan the figure is 12.2 percent and in the U.S. and EU (UK, Germany, France, Italy, Spain) it's only 4 percent. Cindy Shin, managing director at ACNielsen, blames heightened competition among manufacturer-distributors in Korea and an ostentatious spending culture.
The government is worried that the needless packaging is degrading the environment and regards it as the biggest obstacle to reducing waste in general. An Environment Ministry official says the plastic and vinyl packing materials are a waste of resources and a danger to the environment.
(englishnews@chosun.com )
---> i hate chosun newspaper anyway.-_-;
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